
I send out provocative content, free resources or the odd client win. Let's make sure you never miss another one of my free resources.

Are You All Over the Road?

April 12, 2022

We have so much data at our fingertips, but are we using it correctly? We have gotten out of control in what we track, myself included. You need to be like the act of driving a car. Heading to a locat...

The Only Click Metrics Worth Your Time

March 15, 2022

Tags: Marketing Data

Cost Per Click - CPC​ The essential search marketing metric. It's hard to stay at the top of Google, just go and pay for it then focus on brand awareness. ​ On SEO: A lot of you know I don't really gi...

The Holy Grail of Customer Metrics

March 8, 2022

Tags: Marketing Data

Customer Lifetime Value or CLV... This is the predictive value of a customer over their lifetime as a customer. We can predict a baseline or go granular, working our way back from the age someone is b...

Channel Attribution

February 14, 2022

Tags: Attribution Data

Adding the Google Analytics snippet and think you're capturing the right metrics are you? Wrong. If you can't afford a heavy duty analytics tool and you must stick with Google Analytics I always advis...

On Opportunity

February 8, 2022

Tags: Business Decision Making

So my last post I spoke about TAM, SAM and SOM. That was a fun game. Now to wake you up, what is your opportunity? If you answered SOM you were correct. Now if you're trying to convert your SOM you're...

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