
I send out provocative content, free resources or the odd client win. Let's make sure you never miss another one of my free resources.

Why Personalisation is Any Good

July 2, 2024

Tags: Personalisation

I saw a recent article saying the digital ad industry was using “useless, garbage data” to offer up the targeted ads. Personalisation in ads has been questionable for a very long time, not to mention...

The Ellsberg Paradox

April 23, 2024

Tags: Biases

In decision theory and economics, ambiguity aversion (also known as uncertainty aversion) is a preference for known risks over unknown risks. An ambiguity-averse individual would rather choose an alte...

Marketing isn't a One Night Stand

January 7, 2024

Most new people buying marketing services expect someone to click an ad then convert immediately. Akin to walking into a night club and asking the hottest woman in the room to go home with you. When...

Saying No to Clients That Don't Fit Your Positioning

January 5, 2024

Once you've positioned your business you will still have the typical client that now may not fit your positioning. You will now have a difficult decision. Take them or leave them. I usually like givin...

Positioning and Pricing Power

January 3, 2024

You can be seen to be all things to all people but I've never seen it work well. No PE Firm (private equity) will look at you, it's harder to be seen as the expert, your business strategy is watered...

The Double Edge Sword with Referral Strategies

January 2, 2024

A peer-referred sale is likely the best marketing you can have. It's free and doesn't require a lot of vetting. But it comes at a cost of time. Time you don't have in your business. So how do you...

What Type of Marketer Will You Need in 2024?

January 1, 2024

As a performance marketer I'm almost always asked about brand marketing. Oddly enough I don't know a lot about brand marketing. It's one of those things that has a not of muddy definitions and if I c...

The Newsletter (Blog) is Back

December 31, 2023

When I look back on the last few years, I'm reminded that the sharpest I've felt was when I was on a strict carnivore diet and when I was trying to write everyday. I thoroughly enjoyed 2023 but you...

When Will it Be Enough?

April 29, 2023

There's been talk of businesses on the internet and how they need to grow or just unsolicited advice around oh "I wouldn't do it like [X]" who is actually doing awesome! You don't need a do...

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