Aren't You Trying to Get a 5% Conversion Rate?

You have real conversion problems and you've probably tried to get expert help but the other guys are throwing huge prices in front of you, just to get in the game.

Imagine Knowing What to Do Next? At No Cost to You! #

👋  You're not alone.

I want you to stop thinking about design and maximise your sales from where you're at right now. I won't give you complex designs to implement. I'll give you something you can experiment with and get real feedback without the need to implement a whole new design.

Part of my job involves figuring out what led someone to me. I keep an ongoing worksheet of the reasons and the language someone comes here.

I then use that to tailor language on my site to make the next person more enticed to buy from me. Crazy, right?

Here's What's in the Course: #

  1. Research: What Makes a Well Designed Site for Sales?
  2. Experiments: What Should You Test on Your Website?
  3. Positioning: Owning a Word in the Customer's Mind.
  4. Mistakes: The Website Mistakes You Should Know About.
  5. Measurement: How Do I Measure My Design?

Still Have Questions? #

What happens after I sign up?

You'll get the emails sent out daily. You can reply and I'll reply to any problem you have during the 5 days.

I only allow 30 new people into the course per week