Free Course: Get Booked Up in the Next 21 Days

Are You Struggling to Get Leads? Take this Course, Get Free Advice, Get Leads.

Your expertise business is stuck. You feel like you're on a hamster wheel. You're working harder than ever but not getting ahead. You're facing the same problems over and over again. You know you need to make a change but you're paralysed by uncertainty.

You've tried to educate yourself about how to get your business out of this rut. You've read all the articles. You've listened to all the podcasts. You've attended all the webinars. You've read a small mountain of business books – but you can't figure out how to apply any of it to your business.

Don't You Want the SAME Plan That Worked for Me?

Use what I've used. It's simple and ever improving, I currently use this so this will always use this to strategy. You can be a complete marketing idiot and do well with this.

What Do You Get in the Course?

Take this course and you will have everything you need to get leads…Join Reed's Expert Accelerator now.

  • Email replies for FREE
  • Get 9-days of emails based on everything I know.
  • Get a great course on selling your expertise online.
  • And, most of all, get out of how stuck you feel and feel growth.

What's In the Course?


Learn why you should position. It's truly the easier path.

Content + Lead Magenets

Building a content list builds the trust in your expertise, lead magnets build an ecosystem.

Getting Out of Obscurity

Who already knows you need to know you're there.

Lowering the Barrier to Entry

They aren't going to buy the expensive thing on day one.

Nudging the Masses

Force them to show up with paid ads.

Filling Your Pipeline

Are they in your Sphere of Expertise yet? Why not? The value of lead nurture


This is where all my results come from. If you just do one thing. Do this.

The Funnel

You have to put money in.

Bonus: 5-Part Close

Master the art of closing deals effectively.

Market Your Expertise Better Within the Next 21 Days