About Reed

The following information is provided as a cut-and-paste resource for conference organisers, media professionals, podcast hosts, and other interested parties.

Please feel free to use anything here as-is without checking with me first. If you have additional questions, you can email me directly.

Short Bio

Reed Iredale is an expert in marketing, design and online behavioural economics. He’s an ex VP of Design and trained Data Scientist, he’s consulted for top ASX200 clients, won NN Group design awards and ran enterprise design teams.

Speaking (Podcast or Event)

You can get in contact with me to speak at your conference on marketing + behavioural science by contacting me [email protected]

Ask Reed

I’ll answer any question for the public that can be answered on topics I know for the blog by contacting me [email protected]

Sample Questions for Reed

  • Why would someone hire someone like you?
  • How are you different to other experts?
  • You are a fan of AI and data and how it affects businesses, tell us more?
  • You hate always relying on data. Tell my listeners why you shouldn’t?

Fun Facts about me

  • I’ve worked with over 300+ online businesses
  • I’ve been doing value-based pricing since 2012
  • I grew up in Byron Bay and Mission Beach
  • I surfed 12-foot Tallows – my leash broke and I nearly drowned
  • I’m a Newcastle United and Brisbane Broncos fan

If you’d like to book me, email your pitch to me at [email protected] and we’ll set up a date.


Physical Location

Brisbane, Australia


Right-click to save. I’ll update a better one as soon as possible. I know, I know.