When's the Best Time to Ask for Testimonials?


Recently during discussing a redesign, my client was discussing when is the best time to ask for testimonials.

I went a bit further and asked how he was asking them and so on.

Testimonials are a great trust builder with new customers and having them well worded with how a customer was before and after is ideally the best way to realise to realise a product need.

So when my client asked me I rattled off the best answer I've seen in practice.

When I was working in the betting agency I usually talk about, the product manager pushed an ask for review at the time of user withdrawing money from the platform. This was when the user was at their happiest in dealing with the business.

That lead to the highest rating amongst apps in the app store when we were clearly falling behind due to platform constraints.

Sure that's a betting app but what about my business?

You want to ask for it when you've handed over the highest level of value you sell or at the point of consumption of product when they've eagerly waited for an outcome you promise you had initially provided.

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